So in the first few weeks I was here, I wrote about this day we had called “team building.” It was where all the trainees had to trek into the woods on one of the hottest days and play all these team building games. We were broken up into like 10 groups and had to do all these events in the heat. It happened to fall on one of those days where everything was really getting to me. You have days like that here; days when you’re just thinking “what the hell am I doing here? I want to go home!” This was one of those days for me. I hate hot weather and I really don’t like those kinds of things. Plus, we were only a week or two into training so even though I had met people I liked, we weren’t nearly as close as we are now. We were still a giant bunch of strangers forced to live together. Heading into this day, I was dreading it and was just about ready to throw it all away and go home.
So after the first half hour of the getting to know you games, we broke into our teams. I don’t know who it was that was looking out for me that day, but it was someone or something. I randomly ended up on a team with the boys pictured here. (From left to right: Me, Jeremy, John, Thomas). I hadn’t met them, didn’t even know their names but am forever in their debt. Why? They made the day fun. I didn’t ask them to, they weren’t doing anything but being themselves and they made me laugh the entire day. I was standing in the middle of a forest in the middle of a city in the middle of a country in the middle of Eastern Europe in the hot, hot heat, doing things I didn’t want to do and I was laughing my ass off…because of these 3 guys. I doubt that any of them have any idea the profound effect they had on me but it was at that moment that I decided that I could handle this. All I had to do was ‘find my bees.’ (See footnote)

**Footnote – “Finding your bees” is a term my dear friends Andrea, Eileen and I coined in reference to the music video “No Rain” by Blind Melon. In the video, a dorky little girl is dressed in a bee costume and is very proud of her performance in a talent show until all of the other kids start booing her. Sad and disheartened the little girls runs away until she finds a field filled with people who are also dressed like bees and she is immediately happy because she has ‘found her bees.’ The gist being, you basically just have to find the right people that ‘get you’ and anything is possible.
my throat lumped up. youtubing the video now. (also talking to you on gchat)